FIFA MA Elite Referees Course

FIFA MA Elite Referees Course

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Maldives National Day

Maldives national day is an important day, as it is observed to celebrate the victory of Muhammad Thakurufaanu over the Portuguese in the year 1573. According to the Islamic calendar, the National Day of Maldives falls on the 1st of Rabee ul Awwal, the third month. Read to know about the story of freedom of Maldives from the colonial rule of Portuguese.In the year 1558, Portuguese attacked Maldives and killed the then Sultan of this country and established their own rule. It was later in 1573; Muhammad Thakurufaanu arrived here along with his companions and succeeded in ending the fifteen-year colonial rule. Today, as a part of National Day celebrations in Maldives, parades and root marches take place on the streets of Male, its capital city and other islands. (
A day to remember or remembered? What have we learnt from the historic incident? Our warriors have shown us the way to free our freedom from the Portuguese. The freedom that we inherited should we not cherished it? We should now move forward to ensure that the freedom that we inherited is here to stay. How can we be free when we cannot free ourselves from the laziness in us, asking us not to when we ought to? How can be free when we fail we blame it on others? How can we be free when we do not want to see what is laid ahead for us to explore and achieve?
Life is about making choices. Making the correct choices over the others is important. At the break of fajar we chose to continue in our dream rather to wake up and show our sincere thank to the Almighty in our solat. We chose not to be proud and appreciative on our friend’s success or achievements, instead show jealousy, prejudice and hatred. Meeting people we can choose to smile rather to frown and leave others astound. We pray to the Almighty to give us the guidance to achieve better today than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. We should then strive to make our live better so that we change the live of our parents too. Good and smart choices are based on rational and critical thinking not by our emotion. May we seek the Almighty guidance and blessing to give us the clear frame of mind so that we can decide better and to gain a better life; and eventually a better life now and hereafter?

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