FIFA MA Elite Referees Course

FIFA MA Elite Referees Course

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Cost to be a Referee

The cost of Basic Referee Training in England is shown below:
The breakdown of the minimum costs for a new referee taking the basic training course are shown below:

Descriptor: 16 & Over / Under 16
Training Fee: 30.00 / 10.00
Registration Fee: 15.00 / 15.00
CRB Check: 12.00 / 12.00
Child Protection: 12.00 / 12.00
Total Cost: 69.00 / 49.00
* For a child to be a referee he has to pay at least USD 49.00

Knowledge of the Laws 2.5 hours
Application of the Laws 15.0 hours
Examination 1.5 hours
In-service Training 2.0 hours (after having referee 6 times 11 aside game)

The above module and conditions is applicable in England and most European countries including the US. These days nothing is free. In fact for things that we need to pay and work for, we will cherish and value it better.

Referee Course in Maldives? It’s free! What is needed is your interest, attendance, involvement and your commitment. Through the years, Football Association of Maldives spent a large amount giving courses for free and on top that the participants were provided with T-shirts, shorts, law book, writing pad and even pen. On completion of the course, a nice certificate of attendance and a certificate of qualification if the pass the written test.

This approach was also followed in the coaching courses. What does FAM gets in the end? Many course–goers collect T-shirts and other equipments and still end up not be a referee or a coach. This has to stop so for future courses, FAM will only provide the basic requirement like writing pad, pen and the law book. After passing the written examination and the attendance required, the other referee’s equipments and certificate will be provided. This will be a better deal and the product will be – qualified referees who have the interest and commitment to progress in their refereeing career. They will be given practice matches in the lines to gain their confident before being tested in the middle and eventually evaluated as a referee for promotion.
Hopefully, FAM can produce many excellent referees through out the islands and atolls for the future. Vision Maldives - "A Maldivian Referee in the World Cup" will come true.

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